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This atlasis a concise but comprehensive guide to the diverse patterns of response toimmunotherapy as observed on Positron Emission Tomography/Computed Tomography(PET/CT) and other conventional imaging modalities, including CT and MagneticResonance Imaging (MRI). The purpose for this publication is to fill the gapbetween the growing clinical relevance and utilization of immunotherapy inmedical oncology, mainly based on checkpoint inhibitors, and the need forexperienced imagers with reliable tools assessing response to treatment. Aseries of disease-oriented chapters will present the imaging findings duringimmunotherapy in the major oncological settings, withhelpful comparison of functional (PET/CT) and morphological (CT/MRI) patternsof response in individual cases. To complete the atlas, a dedicated chapterwill focus on major pitfalls and immune-related adverse events (irAEs) affecting image interpretation during the course ofimmunotherapy. The concluding chapter will lastly examine the available dataand potential developments of immuno-PET, which isconsidered as the novel frontier of research in this oncologicalscenario. The atlas will be of high value for radiologists and nuclear medicinespecialists at all levels of experience.
Egesta Lopci was born in Shkoder, Albania.She has graduated cum laude in Medicine and Surgery at the Alma Mater Studiorum, University of Bologna, Italy,and at the same University she finished her specialization in Nuclear Medicineand completed her PhD in Specialized Medical Sciences. In 2017, she obtainedthe Italian scientific qualification as Professor in Diagnostic Imaging andRadiotherapy.
As Nuclear Medicine Consultant, she is directly involved in clinical andresearch activities with particular interest on molecular imaging applicationsfor nuclear oncology. She is an active member of different organizations andresearch groups, comprising the AIEOP HodgkinLymphoma Interest Group, the EANM Oncology Committee,the EORTC Imaging and Lung Cancer Groups, the UEMS/EBNM CME Accreditation Committee, and is Chair of the EORTC IG EducationalSubcommittee. Over the years, she has won several grants and over 10 awards andrecognitions for her research activity. She is author of over 103 scientificpapers, 4 books and 11 chapters on Nuclear Medicine discipline, and (co)authorof more than 165 congress communications for societies such as EANM, SNMMI, AIMN,ESR, ESMO, ESTRO, EANO, RSNA,AUA, CAYAHL, and IMIG.Stefano Fanti was born inBologna, Italy, and studied at the Alma Mater Studiorum,University of Bologna, where he obtained his degree in Medicine and Surgery andlater completed his specialization in Nuclear Medicine. Currently he isAssociate Professor of Diagnostic Imaging and Director of the Specialty Schoolof Nuclear Medicine at the Alma Mater Studiorum, University of Bologna. He is also Director of theNuclear Medicine and PET Unit at the University Hospital S. Orsola-Malpighiof Bologna. Dr.Fanti is Chair of the EANMOncology Committee (2016-2019). He is an associate editor of Clinical andTranslational Imaging and an editorial board member for the European Journal ofNuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging and the Spanish Journal of NuclearMedicine. He has authored more than 350 articles in peer-reviewed internationaljournals as well as a number of books and book chapters in the field of nuclearmedicine.
1.Immunotherapy in oncology
2.Evolution of response criteria
3. CNS
4. Thorax
5. Melanoma
9. Other tumor types
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