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Biopsy Interpretation of the Lung aids pathologists in accurately evaluating disease processes. It includes detailed chapters on interstitial lung disease, lung cancer, andneuroendocrine tumors. Organizedby traditional diseasegroups, Biopsy Interpretationof the Lung provides a solidapproach to formulating surgical and medical decisions.
This text is gearedtoward surgical pathologists, pathology residents, pathology fellows, pulmonologists, pulmonology fellows, and thoracic surgeons, and includesthe latest information on the best use of immunohistochemical markers, specialstains, and molecular assays to aid in more accurate and cost-efficientdiagnoses.
1. Endoscopic biopsy techniques
2. Percutaneous needle core biopsy techniques
3. Inflammatory conditions
4. Fungal and parasitic diseases
5. Degenerative and metabolicdisorders
6. Interstitial lung disease
7. foreign bodies and artifacts
8. Benign lung neoplasms
9. Lung adenocarcinoma and itsvariants
10. Lung squamous cell carcinoma
11. Poorly differentiated anaplastic carcinoma of the lung
12. Neuroendocrine carcinomas of the lung
13. Other rare types of lungtumors
14. Sarcomas and tumor-like conditions of the lung
15. Lymphoid proliferations
16. Metastatic tumorsto the lungs
17. Miscellaneous lesions
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