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Extensivelyrevised to bring you up to date with new pathologic entities, new treatmentmethods, and much more, Biopsy Interpretation of theThyroid, Second Edition is a highlypractical guideto neck biopsies that involve thyroidtissue. Presented in a reader-friendly format, it uses a pattern-based approachto the accurate interpretation of thyroid lesions from normal anatomy andhistology to a wide range of both common and unusualfindings. Clinical implications of each diagnosis are highlighted throughoutthe text to guide therapeutic decision making.
Key Features:
Coverscommonthyroidbiopsies, bothcytologyand surgicalspecimens, and uncommonlesionsthatmaybe mistakenforthyroid.
Includesstate-of-the-art informationonimmunohistochemistry, molecular diagnostics,and flowcytometry.
Reviewstheadvantages and disadvantagesof cytologic and histologicbiopsiesin varyingcircumstances.
Discusses normalstructure and function; thevarioustechniquesthat areused to obtain, process and interpretbiopsies; and thediagnosticcriteriathat are applied to thevariouspathologicaldisorders of thethyroid.
Exclusive online contentincludesthefullysearchabletext, animagebankwithover400 additional e-figures and a test bank ideal forboardexampreparation.
Now with the print edition, enjoy thebundled interactive eBook edition, which can be downloaded to your tablet and smartphone or accessed online and includes features like:
Complete content with enhanced navigation
Powerful search tools and smart navigationcross-linksthat pull results from content in thebook, your notes, and even the web
Cross-linked pages, references, and morefor easy navigation
Highlighting toolfor easier reference of key content throughout thetext
Ability to take andshare noteswithfriends and colleagues
Quick reference tabbingto save your favoritecontent for future use
Scott L. Boerner MD
Director, Cytopathology, University Health Network, AssociateProfessor, Department of Laboratory Medicine and Pathobiology
University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Sylvia L. Asa MD
Pathologist-in-Chief & MedicalDirector, Laboratory Medicine Program, University Health Network, Professor ofLaboratory Medicine & Pathobiology, University ofToronto, Toronto, Canada
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