Autor(es): LARHEIM
Editorial: SPRINGER
Fecha de publicación: January 2018
Nº de edición:
Nº de páginas: 573
Medidas: 22x29x3 cms



135,20 €

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Explainshow advanced medical imaging techniques can be successfully applied to dentaland maxillofacial conditions

Describesthe imaging features of a wide variety of cases

Includesa wealth of high-quality illustrations, many of which are new to this edition


This book demonstrates how advanced medical imagingtechniques can be successfully applied to dental and maxillofacial conditions. Thereis a focus on CT and MRI, but the use of all contemporary imaging techniquesare illustrated including PET, PET/CT, ultrasonography,and cone beam CT. The presentation is in atlas style, with succinct, bulletedtext and a wealth of high-quality images in multiple planes. All images foreach patient are grouped to enable the reader very quickly to gain an imagingoverview of the condition under consideration. After a comprehensiveintroductory chapter on normal imaging anatomy, the role of advanced imagingtechniques is described in pathologic conditions of the mandible and maxilla, temporomandibular joint, regions closely related to thejaw, paranasal sinuses, oral cavity, salivary glands,and structures adjacent to the maxillofacial region. A concluding chapterexamines the use of interventional procedures for diagnosis and treatment ofmaxillofacial conditions. Compared to the first edition, numerous additionalcases have been incorporated and a completely new chapter focuses on cone beamCT. The book will be useful for oral and maxillofacial radiologists, oral andmaxillofacial surgeons, dentists, radiologists, plastic surgeons, head and necksurgeons, and others who work with maxillofacial conditions.




Tore A. Larheim, professor dr odont (PhD) Head, Department of Maxillofacial RadiologyHead, Policlinic with Postgraduate (Specialist) Program in MaxillofacialRadiology at the University of Oslo.

PL Westesson, MD, DDS, PhD, former chief of Diagnostic and InterventionalNeuroradiology at the University of Rochester NY.


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