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Optical coherencetomography (OCT) is a non-invasive imaging test that uses light waves to takecross-section pictures of the retina, the light-sensitive tissue lining theback of the eye (eyeSmart).
This manual is a step bystep guide to optical coherence tomography (OCT) imaging and itsinterpretation. Beginning with an overview of OCT and histology, the followingchapter discusses three basic steps in normal OCT analysis morphology study,retinal and choroidal structure study, and reflectivestudy.
Qualitative andquantitative analysis of pathologic OCTs illustratesthe evolution of various diseases, both spontaneous and after medical, surgicalor laser therapy. Separate chapters are dedicated to en face imaging and therole of OCT in the study and treatment of glaucoma.
Authored by renownedexperts Bruno Lumbroso and Marco Rispolifrom Centro Oftalmologico Mediterraneoin Rome, thispractical reference is highly illustrated with clinical images, illustrationsand tables throughout.
Chapter 1: OCT andHistology
Chapter 2: Normal ChorioretinalOCT Analysis
Chapter 3: Qualitative Analysis of Pathologic OCTs
Chapter 4: Quantitative Analysis of Pathologic OCTs
Chapter 5: En Face Imaging
Chapter 6: Synthetic Study
Chapter 7: Reporting
Chapter 8: Glaucoma
Bruno Lumbroso and Marco Rispoli
Both at Centro Oftalmologico Mediterraneo, Rome, Italy
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