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Principallybased on dissections of hundreds of un-embalmed human cadavers over the pastdecade, Functional Atlas of the Human Fascial Systempresents a new vision of the human fascial systemusing anatomical and histological photographs along with histological analysisand biomechanical evaluation.
DrCarla Stecco brings together the research of amulti-specialist team of researchers and clinicians consisting of anatomists,biomechanical engineers, physiotherapists, osteopaths and plastic surgeons. Togetherwith this anatomical research and the biomechanical model used, the Atlas helpsto explain how fascia plays a part in myofascialdysfunction and disease as well as how it may alter muscle function and disturbproprioceptive input. Dr Steccoalso highlights the continuity of the fascial planes,explaining the function of the fasciae and their connection between muscles,nerves and blood vessels. This understanding will help guide the practitionerin selecting the proper technique for a specific fascialproblem with a view to enhancing manual therapy methods.
FunctionalAtlas of the Human Fascial System opens with thefirst chapter classifying connective tissue and explaining its composition interms of percentages of fibres, cells and extracellular matrix. The secondchapter goes on to describe the general characteristics of the superficialfascia from a macroscopic and microscopic point of view; while the thirdanalyzes the deep fascia in the same manner. The subsequent five chaptersdescribe the fasciae from a topographical perspective. In this part of theAtlas, common anatomical terminology is used throughout to refer to the variousfascia and it also stresses the continuity of fasciabetween the different bodily regions.
1Connective tissues
2 Subcutaneous tissue and superficial fascia
3 Deep fasciae
4 Fasciae of the head and neck
5 Fasciae of thorax and abdomen
6 Fasciae of the back
7 Fasciae of the upper limb
8 Fasciae of the lower limb
CarlaStecco is co-author of the book Manipolazionefasciale: parte pratica di Luigi Stecco and Carla Stecco (Piccin, Padova, 2007), translated into English as Fascial Manipulation: practical part by Luigi and Carla Stecco, 2009, Piccin, Italy
Author of two chapters (Manipolazione fasciale", pp. 56-59 and Manipolazionefasciale nel trattamento dei reumatismi extrarticolari",pp. 282-287) in the book La riabilitazione integrata delle patologie reumatiche of Nava T.(2006), Masson ed., Milano.
Author of three chapters in the book Fascia in Manual Therapy by Schleip, Findley, Chaitow & Huijing, Elsevier (in press)
Published extensively in a variety of journals
Warren HammerDC, MS, DABCO hasbeen in practice in Norwalk, Connecticut, USAfor the past 50 years. He has studied numerous soft-tissue methods and appliesthem to the practice of chiropractic. He has lectured nationally andinternationally and recently completed his third edition of FunctionalSoft-Tissue Examination and Treatment by Manual Methods available from Jones& Bartlett publishers. He writes a regular column for Dynamic Chiropracticsince 1985 (over 300 articles) and has written articles for prominent journalssuch as Chiropractic Sports Medicine, the Journal of Manipulative andPhysiological Therapeutics, Chiropractic Technique and the Journal of Bodyworkand Movement Therapies. Dr. Hammer has been a consultant and instructor for Graston Technique since 2001. He has spent time in Italy learningFM and has observed Luigi Stecco, PT in his clinic. Duringthe past year he has assisted Antonio Stecco MD inpresenting FM in the USand plans to teach it with Dr. Stecco during 2012. Warren will be qualifiedto be an instructor in Facial Manipulation some time in 2012.
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