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From the AJCC Cancer StagingManual prepared by theAmerican Joint Committee onCancer, theAJCC Cancer Staging Handbook contains the complete text of the Manual convenientlysized to fit in the pocketof a lab coat for complete portability.* Used by physicians and health care professionalsworld wide, the Seventh Edition of the AJCCCancer Staging Handbook brings together all thecurrently available information on staging of cancerat various anatomic sites and incorporatesnewly acquired knowledge on theetiology and pathology of cancer.As knowledge of cancer biology expands, cancer staging must incorporatethese advances.
Organized by disease site into 57 comprehensivechapters, the Seventh Edition features much-anticipated, major revisions to many chaptersincluding breast, colon, prostate, kidney, and others. Thereare new primary site chapters forextrahepatic bile ducts, distal bile duct, cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma, Merkel cell carcinoma, and the adrenal gland plus a vastly expanded section on ophthalmologic malignancies.
User-friendlyenhancements include:
a revisedand expanded presentation of the principles and rules of TNMstaging
a concisesummary of changes in the TNM classification and "Staging at a Glance" opening each chapter toprovide a snapshot of staging andcoding details
numerousnew line drawings illustrating key sites throughoutthe text
full color textto highlight elements of TNM,stage groupings and prognostic factors
The SeventhEditions of the AJCC CancerStaging Handbook and Manual remain the essential referencesfor oncologists, pathologists, surgeons, cancer registrars and medical professionals worldwide to ensure that allthose taking care of cancerpatients are fully versed in the languageof cancer staging.
*Cancer StagingForms may be found at the end ofevery chapter in the AJCC CancerStaging Manual.
Part I. General Information on Cancer Staging and End-ResultsReporting.- Purposes and Principles of Cancer Staging.-Cancer Survival Analysis.
Part II.Headand Neck.- Introduction and General Rules.- Lip and Oral Cavity.-Pharynx.- Larynx.- Nasal Cavity and ParanasalSinuses.- Major Salivary Glands.- Thyroid.- Mucosal Melanoma of the Headand Neck.
Part III. Digestive System.- Esophagus and EsophagogastricJunction.- Stomach.- Small Intestine.- Appendix.- Colon and Rectum.- Anus.- Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumor.- Neuroendocrine Tumors.- Liver.- Intrahepatic Bile Ducts.- Gallbladder.-Perihilar Bile Ducts.- Distal Bile Duct.- Ampulla of Vater.- Exocrineand Endocrine Pancreas.
Part IV.Thorax.- Lung.- Pleural Mesothelioma.
Part V. MusculoskeletalSites.- Bone.- Soft Tissue Sarcoma.
Part VI. Skin.- Cutaneous Squamous Cell Carcinoma and other Cutaneous Carcinomas.- Merkel Cell Carcinoma.- Melanoma of the Skin.
Part VII.Breast.- Breast.
Part VIII. Gynecologic Sites.- Introduction.- Vulva.- Vagina.- CervixUteri.- Corpus Uteri.- Ovary and PrimaryPeritoneal Carcinoma.- Fallopian Tube.-Gestational Trophoblastic Tumors.
Part IX.Genitourinary Sites.- Penis.- Prostate.- Testis.- Kidney.- Renal Pelvis and Ureter.- UrinaryBladder.- Urethra.- AdrenalGland.
Part X. OphthalmicSites.- Carcinoma of the Eyelid.- Carcinoma of the Conjunctiva.-Malignant Melanoma of the Conjunctiva.- Malignant Melanoma of the Uvea.- Retinoblastoma.-Carcinoma of the Lacrimal Gland.- Sarcoma of the Orbit.- Ocular Adnexal Lymphoma.
Part XI.Central Nervous System.- Brain and SpinalCord.
Part XII.Lymphoid Neoplasms.- Lymphoid Neoplasms.
Part XIII. Personnel and Contributors
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